Saturday, January 03, 2009

PhotoHunt ~ Hope

Photo Hunt - "Hope"

Theme: Hope ** Become a Photo Hunter

I haven't done the PhotoHunt in a while and I'm pretty excited to be participating this week. Yesterday I had mentioned in my post how I visited Rocky Mountain Cycle Plaza and Steve Clark, General Manager, was very helpful in helping me locate the new 2009 Yamaha V-Star 950. The above is the basic model in Raven (black). Steve induldged me and took my picture sitting it. Thank you Steve. It fits just like my 2002 V-Star 650 Custom. This is a sweet bike! It is my Hope that when I replace my V-Star 650 that I can get the V-Star 950, but with the Tourer package. It is my Hope that I could replace it this year with the Black Cherry model before my big trip to Texas this summer for the Women On Wheels (R) Ride-In. One can always Hope, sigh.

I learned about this new model for the first time in my Feb 2009 issue of Rider Magazine. They have a Rider Test writeup on it and just reading it highly peaked my interest. I really like my current V-Star, so replacing it with another upgrade V-Star just seems a no brainer. What I like about this model is that it's not too powerful, but way more powerful than what I have now. I really don't need a 1300 or more powerful engine. Plus, lets face the facts, those bigger machines just don't go low enough for my 5'2" tall body.

One of the features that I really like is it come with floorboards. I have footpegs and after a day on my bike my feet start to go numb. Another feature that I like is that it has eight-spoke cast wheels. I currently have spoked wheels and the members of the Mountain Shadow Riders that rode with me last summer can testify how my spokes do vibrate loose over time. That can be very dangerous, if not watch and adjusted as needed. I have learned that my spokes do work loose and that bugs me!

The 950 has a gorgeous design that I would never want to custom paint. In the write-up Clement Salvadori has many good things to say about the design and the ride. I would be very curious about the clutch, as in the write-up it he says that it's very smooth and "minimizes any risks of stalling when starting up." I would be a good test for that, lol. Okay, in my denfense I don't stall often and I guess we all tend to embarrassingly stall on occasion. I just hope the person behind me doesn't run me over at that green light when it happens.

Until I can Hopefully upgrade, I feel very lucky to already own the 2002 Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom. That is an incredible bike and I can depend on it. I have put over 15,000 miles on it over the last 3 1/2 years and it hasn't failed me yet. It is a rock-solid motorcycle. I have heard other V-Star owners say the same thing. I ride it to work, when the weather allows, and I ride it all over Colorado. It is excellent on pavement, rock, high mountain passes and did an excellent job getting me to the top of Mount Evans, CO (North America's highest paved automobile road). At the top we were at the elevation of 14,240 ft. It is 14 miles of some of the tightest twists imaginable. Once at the top we were warned that due to the elevation our bikes might not start up right away. Well, mine started on the first try and I had no doubt.

I have to say that any day on a motorcycle is a good day. I Hope you have a good day too.

Biker Betty :)


Pamela said...

Good to see you back blogging! (and what an informative post. I'm always telling my hubby that we should retire and buy a huge bike and see the country. But now I know that spokes vibrate... maybe I should stick to cars. ha ha a)

Anonymous said...

Hope you get what you want! surely looks sweet! Have a happy weekend!

jams o donnell said...

That's a great looking bike. I hope you get one when you change from your current one. Happy weekend and a very ahppy new year

Rebecca Mecomber said...

NICE bike!!! I think I will like reading your blog. And welcome back to Photo Hunters.

My Photo Hunters is up today. I 'HOPE' you get the chance to visit and leave your link.
Happy New Year!

PowersTwinB said...

Betty, I enjoyed reading about your "Hopes" to get the newer model bike. I know NOTHING about motorcycles, in fact, I have never even been on one...Perhaps I should find a way to make a New Years resolution to try and get a ride on one this year! woo hoo....Thanks for visiting my long overdue Photo Hunt entry...and welcome back to yours!

Unknown said...

Good Luck on your "hope" looks like a great one!!!

You are braver then me :P

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betty! I LOVE your bike! Once upon a time (before kids) we both had bikes and rode along the Blue Ridge Parkway... mine was a Shadow. Together we rode on Paul's Nighthawk through New England (3300+ miles in 12 days). We both miss it, but aren't at the right place to go back to it right now. I'll love seeing your trips and adventures on two wheels in the meantime!

Biker Betty said...

Hi Pamela,
Thanks, it's nice to be back and I'll try to be better in the future. Don't let spokes scare you. I'm not letting it scare me. I just need to make sure they are checked every spring when I get the tune-up done and so far that is all that is needed.

Hi Mirage & jams o donnel,
I would love that too :)

Hi Mrs Mecomber,
Thank you very much and I enjoy yours also.

Hi Powers TwinB,
You really should find a way to get a ride. Who knows, maybe this could lead to a whole new hobby? Thanks for the welcome back.

Hi Amanda,
I can use all that luck. I just bet if you ever get on a motorcycle you'd be hooked too. It is so much fun that you'd forget to be scared.

Hi Cold Speghetti,
My hats off to you and Paul. I have never had the opportunity to take a trip that long. Not sure if I'd survive, lol. I just bet when the kids get older that you both will be back on two wheels like my husband and I.

YTSL said...

Wow, you really are into motorcycles! For a laugh, you should check out the Hong Kong romantic comedy NEEDING YOU... (in Cantonese but the DVD has English and Chinese subtitles) whose female protagonist is crazy about motorbikes too! ;)

sammawow said...

This was a great post for the theme and I hope that you do get that V-Star 950! I've only been on a bike once years ago and don't even know what kind it was, but it was fun!

jmb said...

Welcome back Biker Betty. I do hope your dream comes true. You certainly enjoy this pastime.
Have a good weekend

Ingrid said...

You are still biking as I see ! It's a long time I haven't been here.
I also wish you a very happy new Year !!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

A Very Happy New Year To You, My Dear....And thanks so much for stopping by and for the New Years Wishes!

MaR said...

Long time, no see!!! it seems you've been away doing what you love to do, that's wonderful. You look good on that bike, hope you can ride on it soon! great informative post for the theme.

Happy New Year to you and hope to "see" you more often!!

Anonymous said...

You're a lot braver than I am. Around here, there are too many people that don't respect motorcycles which makes them too dangerous. But I liked your contribution to the theme for PhotoHunt.

Camron said...

Thanks for stopping by "Adventures in Chrome". I am always glad to meet a fellow rider.
I won't even pretend to know much about Yamaha's, But I do know the adrenalin rush that comes with being in a Bike shop & looking at all the dream bikes on the floor! Makes me feel like a kid @ Christmas every time.(My next bike will be a blacked out Harley Road Glide)
Good luck on getting your 950, And I hope your Texas ride is both fun and safe. I can't wait to read about it.
Thanks for sharing.

Gabriel said...

I agree, nice to see you back. I hope you and yours the best for 2009.

Thanks for dropping by, have a great week!

My PH post...

Heart of Rachel said...

Glad to have you back in photo hunt. That's a lovely motorcycle. I admire your passion for riding one. May you fulfill what you are hoping for soon.

Happy New Year!

Biker Betty said...

I did a quick google search and that sounds like a cute movie.

Hi Sammawow,
Thanks. The first time I rode on the back of a motorcycle I couldn't tell you what it was either, lol. I agree, it was fun.

Hi jmb,
Thank you. It's nice to have a hobby to enjoy. I hope your weekend was great.

Hi Gattina,
yes, still having loads of fun. Happy New Year to you.

Hi Naomi,
Thanks and Happy New Years to you.

Hi Mar,
Yes, it's been a while, because I was away having fun, lol. Happy New Year and I will try and be around more often.

Hi Tarheel Rambler,
I have lived a few places I wouldn't want to ride a motorcycle. Washington DC comes to mind, yikes!!!

Hi Camron,
Isn't it fun going into a motorcycle show room? I really enjoy seeing the new models that have come out recently. It's just too bad most are way too big for me :( At least there's a few that work for me :) Thanks for the well-wishes for my upcoming ride.

Hi Gabriel,
Thanks and I wish you and yours the best in 2009 also. I already have my photo for this Saturday's hunt picked out.

Hi Rachel,
Thanks and it's good to see that you are still doing the photo hunt. I've seen that a few that I knew aren't doing it, so it was really nice to visit a few that I knew from past hunts. Happy New Year to you too.

Jovita @ Inky Impressions said...

Hi Betty, it's great to see you back into blogging.

Shopping for a new bike must be exciting, I can see you cruising around on the Cherry Black bike... I'm looking forward to our Texas trip, although I wish I had floorboards on my bike.

eastcoastlife said...

It's great to see you back to blogging Betty. And you look so awesome on that bike!