Theme: Furry ** Become a Photo Hunter

Herbie gets second looks when people see him and usually a few laughs. He's so cute and we love him. He's a cross between a gold lab and a basset hound. He's got the lab body and the basset legs. He's a true pound puppy, as that's where we found and adopted him.
We call him "Herbie the Love Dog," after the movie "Herbie the Love Bug." We also refer to him as our "Low Rider" dog.
I have started a Saturday Photo Hunt link list on my side bar. If you would like to exchange links, please let me know.
Wishing you a great weekend in your part of the world,
Biker Betty :)
ok...Your dog is adorable!! and I love you call him your "low rider" dog! too cute. Please link me to your new side bar! Thanks so much for visiting me Betty! I appreciate it!
How cute! What a great combination for personality. Does he have hip dysplasia and knee problems?
Herbie is adorable. I wonder if he could ride too :)
What's not to love? He is adorable and he's unique. He sounds like the perfect dog. Great photo for this theme.
Happy weekend to you Betty.
Aww what a cutie! My two favorite breeds!! lol
Thanks for visiting my page!
He really is adorable !!
Awww, He's smiling! What a sweetie! Great choice for fuzzy. How could you not choose this guy?!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I've missed seeing you on Saturdays.
Herbie is also well fed, if I am allowed to say so. But definitely cute.
Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend.
low rider. cute.
please tell me more abt the saturday photohunt thingy?
How darling!
how adorable
Oh gosh he is SO cute!! :)
Have you ever given Herbie (short) bike rides? Get the feeling you'd be tempted to! :b
How sweeeeeeeeet!!!! He's adorable.
Thanks for coming over to visit me.
I think this is a first for me...this mix. He looks to be a cutie pie...I'm sure he lives up to his name!
My dog is a pound puppy too. Dogs sure do make for some good blogging material.
He's a special one. I like how you fondly call him "Herbie the Love Dog". He looks so sweet.
Wow! From the pound huh? No wonder he looks so happy! Good for you! Love that shot too! :)
OMG Herbie looks a lot like my best friend's dog, Lucy. He does look as lovable as Lucy is too! I posted a picture of her a few years ago. Here's the link if you'd like to see her:
For the furry theme I posted another friend's long haired cat, Leo! You can add me to your sidebar and I'll put you on mine.
Herbie is adorable. Great shot.
He is so cute! Bless him.
Your dog is unique and adorable. What a cute face and I'm sure his short legs and Labrador body make him a conversation starter wherever you go.
Herbie is so cute and he looks like he has such a vibrant personality. And he's furry! :) Thanks for visiting my furry Photo Hunt at New York Traveler.net!
Herbie is adorable!!!
oh my I am way late in visiting. Please forgive me for that. but, my schedule in real life got crazy starting last Friday night!
I think Herbie is just adorable. And wow I do wish I could get my hubby interested in riding.
I used to ride when I was much younger. but, he has never ridden and refuses too.
I hope you are having a great week and thanks so very much for visiting me and my furry little squirrel.:-)
What a lovely furry dog he is :)
I have never seen a cuter cross bred dog than Herbie! Seriously. :-)
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