Friday, January 26, 2007

When I saw that this week's Saturday Photo Hunt was "silver" I immediately thought of my silver handlebar clock on my motorcycle. Read below to see why.

Theme: Silver ** Become a Photo Hunter ** View Blogroll

Now here is a gadget almost better then PB&J (that is peanut butter and jelly). My husband got this for me for my birthday in January 2006. I do errands on my motorcycle and can loose track of time. It was very awkward to try and read my watch with my stiff motorcycle jacket covering it. The cuff kept covering it and trying to uncover it going down the road was next to impossible. So the above is one of my favorite accessories for my V Star 650 Custom. Now I can keep track of the time when out having fun ... errrr.. doing errands, lol.

What is your favorite silver object?


Lisa said...

What will they think of next. Gone are the days where you could lose time with the wind flying through your hair!! Nice photo. Happy weekend.

srp said...

I would imagine that this would help with the safety factor... your hubby loves you dearly!
Thanks for the visit.

Biker Betty said...

Hi Incog & nito,

I hate to have to keep track of time, but when I have to be at work by 2:30 tutor math to 3rd graders, I must. The kids alway remind me when I'm a bit late, lol.


You are right. My hubby is very thoughtful and now I can ride much safer. I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I can see why thing would be a Handy accessorie.

JHS said...

Hey, that's cool!

R. Duckie said...

It looks like a nice bike, Betty!

Sunflower said...

Very beautiful gift!

Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog and supporting me! Welcome back anytime.

I will Exercise for Comments!

Yoshi said...

That is definitely a good idea, and probably one of the most useful items i've seen in a while. nice photo!

Anonymous said...

Your bike looks so clean and shiny. You must take very good care of it!

Anonymous said...

Well now that is cool! Great choice for this week.

Gattina said...

A very good idea and so pratical for you !

Anonymous said...

Now that is really cool. Great photo for today's theme.

Take care,
My photo is up.

Viamarie said...

A very cool gadget.

I'm up too.

Daisy said...

Biker Betty, that is GREAT. I am going to see if I can get one of those for my stroller!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my! I have never seen one of these....that's so cool. And you can keep track of time. What a wonderful gift idea.

Mine's posted also, if you can find time....drop by

Anonymous said...

A handy thing - and a pretty one, too!

Linda said...

A clock on a motorcycle - who'dathunk it? Great use of this week's theme!

Caylynn said...

Great shot! Definitely a handy accessory to have. And how I did know you would probably have a shot of some part of your motorcycle? ;)

My favourite silver item is what I have up for my Photo Hunt. :)

Unknown said...

WOW! Very creative choice for this week´s theme - fits perfectly!

My hunt is up, too @ Coffee 2 go - Please stop by if you find a minute =)

Anonymous said...

Awesome shot and what a clever hubby!

Thanks for stopping by.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a great clock and a great photo. :) Very handy to have!

Patti said...

So cool. I love that it's analog.

Melli said...

Ohhhh that's cool! I think when the Hubs gets on HIS bike he doesn't WANT to know what time it is! He just wants to gooooooooooo and come back when he darn well feeeeels like it! LOL! (of course, MEN have that option now, don't they?)

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture and what a sweet thing for your husband to buy for you!

My favorite silver item is in my photo for this week :)

GEWELS said...

Who says errands can't be fun? Great shot. Very shiny and punctual.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! What a great gift for you and your bike.

Thanks for stopping by.

Pamela said...

Oh that is classy! Nice and convenient too! Love all the bells and whistles that make life so much easier! :)

Unknown said...

how very cool and silver! thanks for visiting.

Jane said...

Great gadget! I knew you would have something fun this week! I am sure you have no shortage of gleeming silver on that bike! Have fun with your errands!

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful accessory for a bike! It would be so dangerous to try to see a watch while riding. Great choice!

Thanks for stopping by my place! :)

Anonymous said...

That indeed is a wonderful accessory you have for your bike...I still hope that will have a bike on my own one of these days...Hubby just said that your's is still too big for me -- I don't think so. But then again, he knows my abilities better than I do...
Have a splendid weekend and stay warm.

Claire said...

Cool photo hunt, i got to learn to drive!
My favourite silver item is a charm bracelet my sister made for me.
Thanks for the visit!

Smalltown RN said...

oh that is way to Kewl!!!! but you are right...when your out on your bike who wants to keep track of time!!! I love your choice for silver...that was a hard one this week.

My pic is up....

have a great weekend!

Carole Burant said...

Hi Betty:-) Thanks so much for your visit...this is my first time participating in the Photo Hunt and I'm having a fun time already! lol What an awesome idea to have that clock put in...I never thought of it, how hard it would be to look at your watch while riding!! Hugs!

Tracy S said...

Ohhhhh now that is some very nice silver :)

Eagles Wings said...

That is so cool! I was thinking of a bike photo when I thought of silver but I couldn't find it last night to scan it and post.

I like incog & nito's comment "Gone are the days where you could lose time with the wind flying through your hair"

Thanks for stopping by mine

Anonymous said...

That is a clever invention and great for the theme too. :) Thanks for stopping by, today.

Anonymous said...

BBetty that is such cool gadget! Time does fly when one is having fun, er doing errands!

Thanks for stopping by today. Happy Saturday!

Anonymous said...

What a clever assessory! And love the photo. Definitely silver! And now you have no excuse to ever be late from out joyriding. Opps! I meant doing errands.
Thanks for visiting my place.

PastormacsAnn said...

Pretty nifty! Fits so nicely there amongst your other gauges. Nice pick for this week's theme!

Anonymous said...

I've seen those before and always thought they were really cool.

My Nomad has a clock in the speedo or I'd have to get me one of those.

Good to hear from you Betty.

BTW I've added a new post since you visited.

Andree said...

And its an analog clock, not digital! Do you find that easier to read while riding?

Anonymous said...

That's very helpful! Great silver.

Teena in Toronto said...

Nice but handy :) Our property manager recently bought a new Harley ... he can't wait 'til spring comes so he can pick it up and ride it.

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

My husband said he likes to lose track of time when he rides his. Maybe I should get him one of those for his birthday!

Anonymous said...

Great "silver" picture. Certainly a handy gadget!

Heart of Rachel said...

A wonderful gadget for your motorcycle. You have a very thoughtful hubby. Thanks for dropping by.

Desert Diva said...

What a great accessory for your bike. Great photo idea!

Unknown said...

Great shot and thanks for visiting me.

Anonymous said...

I knew you would post something having to do with bikes. They are definitely silvery!

Very useful and really nice!

Mine's up.

Happy Saturday!

Laurie and Chris said...

I didn't know they made such a thing. What a nice hubby!

Am I there yet? said...

What a very cool gift! Cool bike too! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Barb said...

That's a wonderful, thoughtful and very silver gift! I'm sure it will help you while you're out having running errands AND keep you safer as well. Thanks for dropping by :)

Sorry the verification thing didn't work out for you :(

Mike said...

That's a neat item. A good way to keep track of time too. I used to ride a motorcycle and would just get lost in time also. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a thoughtful gift. And gorgeous too!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Sunday.

Shelby said...

I love it!

take care and have a great Sunday :)

Sarge Charlie said...

Good Photo, by the way, what time is it? You have an interesting bio,

# Rock Climbing
# Quilting

You are very well diversified

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! You get a lot of comments here, Betty! Nice job!

I love the photo. That's a very nice use of space, and I like that you turned the bars to kind of change the visual vector.

Anyway, just thought I'd stop in and say Hi...

Ride well,

Anonymous said...

Great shot for the theme! And how useful and convenient8h

Biker Betty said...

Thank you to everyone for stopping by and leaving such nice comments.

Have a great week,
Biker Betty :)

American Scooterist Blog said...

The clock looks great. The placement is nicely done too by the way. None of the bigger bikes we have came with clocks but the one that did...? The scooter. The Vespa LX150. figger that one out

Nice blog Mrs Betty :)

The Roadbum

Janet said...

such a pretty clock!

Anonymous said...

Very cool and a beautiful shot. Sorry I am just making the rounds now, been a busy week.