Friday, January 05, 2007

There are so many memories from 2006 that it is very hard to pick just a few. To the left is a picture of Grey Rock that my husband, a close friend, and I climbed to the top of. See the people climbing to the left, toward the bottom of the rock? You may need to click on the picture. This will make it bigger and easier to see the people. The people are very tine and that gives you an idea how big it is. It's the highest rock in the Garden of the Gods and our conquest for the day. Two more pictures of us climbing are at the bottom of this post.

Theme: Memory ** Become a Photo Hunter ** View Blogroll

But to prevent boring you with allllll my photos. I did try and pick a few of my favorites. To say that motorcycling has changed my life, is putting it mildly. My life has never been the same since I took the MSF beginner course and then got my Purple Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom. Did I say my motorcycle was "purple?" lol.

I joined the Mountain Shadow Riders, a ladies motorcycle riding group, in January 2006 and met a group of wonderful people who welcomes newcomers with open arms. Here is a group of people whose enthusiasm for riding is very evident. The rides and other social activities I have done with this group has been a lot of fun.

So when I found out that this weeks "Photo Hunters" theme was "Memory," I had my work cut out for me to choose just a few photos that brought back fond memories.

This picture was take when our youngest son rode for the first time with us and on the back of his dad's Honda Nighthawk. What memories were built on this ride. Just before heading home we stopped and got ice cream. What a great way to end a ride.

Here was when our youngest rode for the second time with me to church. We had a blast.

Here's a great memory of me working for the first time on my bike. It wasn't a big job, but I loved it. I needed to change the bulb in my headlight. My husband was such a "hovering helicopter mom" during the job. I worked on airplanes in the Air Force for my first three years in the Air Force and I know how to turn a wrench. I want to learn to do the maintenance on my bike, but my husband wants to do it. He's having a hissy fit about this topic, lol.

Twice this year the Mountain Shadow Riders did highway clean up. 'As you can see by the sign, we have adopted a part of a highway. This was taken in the spring and, yes, you do see that white stuff on the ground.

Here is a fun memory of a ride my husband and I did with the Mountain Shadow Riders. We are taking a break to enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery. During this ride we had to suit up in our rain gear, because we thought we were going to hit some rain. We did get pretty cold during this ride. It was an all day ride up in the mountains.

I met Christine in the Mountain Shadow Riders. Here is a picture of Christine on a ride she and I took together. We met at 9am and got back home at 9pm. We put a lot of miles on our bikes that day. It was a great day of riding and we did get caught in one downpour, that luckily, didn't last long. We got a lot of scavanger hunt pictures that day. She stopped at a few that she already had, but I didn't. Thanks again, Christine :)

This last year many of you saw some of the many pictures I took for the Mountain Shadow Rider's Scavenger hunt. Here is one of the pictures I haven't yet shared. I needed a red phone booth. The scavenger hunt was so much fun and lasted all summer. There was over 350 items to find and I had a blast looking for them. Because I had to get my motorcycle in every picture, some were a little embarrassing. People were wondering what is that person doing. It took me out of my "comfort zone."

I did share this scavenger hunt photo in the spring time. No, I'm not really getting arrested. I needed a picture of my motorcycle with a police officer and his/her car. The police officer was a little too anxious to help, lol. Actually, he did it at my husband's suggestion. I really appreciate this police officer's help with my photo hunt. The men and women in our police dept and sheriff's dept do an awesome job.

Here is one of my really funny memories. I am not a morning person, so this was the ultimate sacrific for me, lol. My husband and I got up at the crack of dawn to that I could get my picture taken in front of a mattress store "with" my pajamas on! Yes, I'm crazy, lock me up. I find out later that not many of the ladies did this. For the record - I did have clothes on underneath the pajamas and I did wear all my protective gear to and from.

Here was my husband, a close friend, and myself's only chance to get out climbing together this last summer. I am in climbing gear and on rope. If I had slipped, I wouldn't have gone far. I did the lead climb most the way up on this climb. That is why you see so much gear on my climbing harness. This part was top roped, but the rest wasn't and yours truly was climbing and putting in caribiners as I was going along.

Here is the final memory to share. We are on top of the world, well "Gray Rock" in Garden of the Gods, to be exact. We are at the top of the mountain you saw at the top of this post. It's the tallest rock in the garden and very awe-inspiring to climb. It's really not very technical, as far as climbs goes, and just a lot of fun.

Wishing you many wonderful memories in 2007,

Biker Betty :)


Jose said...

Wow, I didn't know you were such a thrill seeker. It looks like climbing that rock is a lot of fun, I had to click on the picture to actually see the people you were talking about. We are having great riding weather here in Phoenix, it's a little nippy in the mornings but it gets nicer towards the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are living life to it's fullest. Good for you. Really fun pictures!!

Take care,
Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

What a great collection of memories! I've visited the Garden of the Gods and always thought the rocks looked very tall. Good job climbing one!

Leesa said...

Wow..great pics for memory :)

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Boy do I know that country like the back of my in Colorado for 40+ years. And hubby, he was born just miles from Garden of the Gods --In the Springs.

And the one picture (with the police)---the car looks like it says Manitou Springs? Love that town.

Thanks for the visit Betty. Have a great weekend.

LibertyBelle said...

You always have the most wonderful pictures here!
They are all wonderful!
Happy Saturday!
Mine's up too.


That was a great climb. Great photos too.
Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Betty, great photos and some wonderful memories. You go girl! Glad you found a hobby that suits you so well. Lazy Daisy

Anonymous said...

What a great achievement! I'm sure you felt very proud when you reached the top. Amazing!

Thanks for sharing wonderful photos of your passion ... motorcycling. I can see how much you love it and how much it brings you happiness.

Mine is up too. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow - talk about a life well lived!!! You sure look happy in all these photos...they're great..

How's the snow situation out there? I heard on CNN you got some more. I hope things are OK.

Happy Saturday...mine's up now too.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what great memories. I love the pajama picture (I'm with you, I wouldn't go out without my undergarments even in pajamas) and the photo with the policeman. LOL about your husband hovering while you fix your bike. :)

Pamela said...

Incredible! Loved all the photos! Enjoyed reading and sharing in the stories too. Nice that you found and were able to join the Mountain Shadow Riders. You've led an amazing life and when I look at the background of some of the shots they are just gorgeous! Not to mention, you must be in great shape! You did well with the scavenger! Just wondering if you have a pet name for your purple bike! lol

Anonymous said...

Wow... looks like fun :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lots of great photos and great memories. That Grey Rock looks like a tough climb!

Gattina said...

You must be a strong woman to hold this big engine ! I once made a tour with a friend of us on a very powerful one (forgot the name) I tried it once but never ever again ! My hairs stood up in horror when I got off ! Lol !
I brought memories from Egypt.

Anonymous said...

Some really great pictures. You sure had a fun year. Mine is up too at

Anonymous said...

What great memories! You seem to have an adventurous spirit, which I admire. I especially loved the rock climbing picture, something I've always wanted to do but have never had the courage to try. Maybe in 2007...

Anonymous said...

Great memories. Climbing looks like fun but I'm afraid of heights lol.

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Loved your photos! Especially the one of you in your pjs on the bike...too funny !
Have a super weekend, Betty :)

Anonymous said...

Seems like you're living life to the fullest. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Oh man I love these pics! Betty you make me wish we lived next door to you folks. Ya'll obviously know how to get out there and live life.

My gosh, what all was on that scavenger hunt list? Any way I can get a copy of it?

My dad and I are taking one on made by a lady here in Alabama. It's not so much a scavenger hunt as an activity designed to make you ride to all four corners of the state and get your pic in front of different items that are located there. You've inspired me to get that going again. Once you get all the pics you send them to the organizer along with $10 and she sends you a pin.
Now I'm fired up about it again!
I'm about to get my wife down here to take a look at your purple V-Star. Purple is her favorite color and she has asked mentioned that if she ever got a bike she would want it to be purple.
Thanks for the pics.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for sharing those wonderful memories of your rides of 2006. I remember the pajama one :) - love the picture with the police officer.
You really make to want to get a bike - there are some great places here in AZ to explore - although kind of hot during the summer, but the rest of the year is perfect for motorbiking :)...I hope one day I will get my nerves together and get myself a bike :)...
Blessings on your weekend.

Anonymous said...

A great bunch of great memories - thanks for sharing :)
And thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

awesome pictures!!!! :) Way cool!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what great pictures!! It looks like quite an adventurous year you had. My husband would love all of your outings. He has a Harley and loves to ride. He doesn't ride as much since the kids came, but I suspect now that they are a little older, he'll be back on the bike a bit more. Thanks for visiting and be safe!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! I wish I could climb to the top:-)

Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog and supporting me!Welcome back anytime.

I will Exercise for Comments!

srp said...

You certainly did have a lot going on this past year! So much excitement, how can you take it all in?
Mine is up too.

Anonymous said...

I so enjoyed your post! I'm still smiling! You seem like such a fun lady!

Lightseeker said...

Great Hunt!

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Those are amazing photos...and wonderful stories behind each photo...yes it is very hard to decide which ones to put in you all photos for me are memories...

roman said...

What a great collection of pictures from your trip. I was kind of disappointed though. You mentioned that the rock you climbed was the tallest one but I did not see the view from the top of the rock :(
Just kidding, Thank you for sharing your memories with me and the others.

Happy Hunting

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are making some wonderful memories! Thanks for sharing and for inspiring me to be sure to make great memories in the coming year.


Anonymous said...

you are definitely an adventurer!!!

great photos! what great memories, i'm sure.

thanks for dropping by..

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots fo great memories. Mine is up, hope you will stop by for a visit!

Anonymous said...

wanna' stick a red hat on your head and ride in our parade with that purple bike? smiles....bee

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all the photos!

Unknown said...

wow wow wow! So many memories from the past! I love your story that goes along with everything. Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures betty!!! loved all of them..

Ride safe


Anonymous said...

Climbing that rock looks intense! Love all the bike pics too.

Anonymous said...

You rock Betty! Happy 2007 memories to you :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Each time I come here you amaze me at all the cool things you have done! Really awesome memories you have. Thanks for sharing them with us and thanks for stopping by today!

Anonymous said...

Great pix and stories. Good for you for making that climb!

Mine's up too :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I have seen people climbing on that rock, but I would never do it myself.

My two favorite rides were from Spokane WA to Yellowstone Park with my dad when I was 10 years old... see I had just gotten in a bad hit and run on his bike and I was scared to get on a motorcycle again. The trip was almost canceled because I was too scared to go. It was liberating to face and conquer my fear. The next year we went to Crater Lake and that was also a great trip.

Great memories, mine are up as well.

Anonymous said...

What nice phones Betty. I cannot believe you climbed that mountain. You are more braver than I.

Michael said...

Fantastic motorcycle memories... riding is one of those things that you either get, or you don't. Not a lot of middle ground! I would give it up for anything though!

Michael said...

Err... *wouldn't* *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are quite a woman! I envy you!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures have got to have some truly great memories! Looks like you know how to live life to its fullest!

someone else said...

Garden of the Gods is so beautiful. What a wonderful collection of photos and memories.

Anonymous said...

Wow these are some really fun memories! I'm so glad you decided to share them. I hope that 2007 is as fun and full for you as 2006. Great picks for the hunt.

Anonymous said...

This was great! I loved all of the photos and commentary! Thank you for taking the time to show us! And thank you for viewing my photo.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You've had some amazing experiences. What fun! Talk about living life to the fullest!

MaR said...

That was fun reading and with great pics too!!
here is wishing you just as much fun this year 2007!!

Anonymous said...

wow.. usually I read the comments. But that would take all day.

rock climbing .. c'mon Betty isn't there anything you don't do that is Crazy?

Anonymous said...

Hi Betty,

Great photos!

Only one complaint - not enough Japanese :P

I sat with my wife, translating the page for her as she kept asking me about the stories which go with the photos!

I conveniently left out the ease of which you can wrench your bike, I still want to have a few things as my jobs ;)

My buddy and I have a small how-to guide site for wrenching bikes and cars some of your readers may enjoy.

It is at

Keep up the great blog, but the more sushi and bonzai words you can include, the more grateful I will be!

